Why has the glass shattered on my fireplace?

We use toughened safety glass manufactured and tested to withstand temperatures that far exceed the heat output of a bioethanol fire. So, under normal use, the glass will not shatter, degrade, or become dirty. 

However, shattering of the grass may occur if it has taken an impact or been knocked accidentally. It could be that the damage is not immediately noticeable, but continued use may progressively weaken the glass's performance, increasing the risk of shattering. Regularly check your glass for any signs of small fractures or cracks, especially after it may have been knocked. Contact us for a repalcement if any problems are seen.  

Keep fireplace accessories away from the glass

Under normal use, the glass supplied with your ImaginFires biofire should never crack, split, or shatter. However, ensure that all fireplace accessories, such as ceramic pebbles or logs, are clear of the glass. 

Don't let anything touch the glass while your fire is burning (even approved accessories), as this could cause damage to the glass. That goes for the outside of your fireplace — make sure nothing touches the glass while your fireplace is heating your room. 

Can I get the glass replaced for my bioethanol fireplace?

If your fireplace glass has become damaged or shattered, don't hesitate to contact us for a replacement.

Replacement biofuel review

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